Master Guides

Master Guides

Welcome Master Guides

The South Atlantic Conference employs the Master Guide program to train people for youth leadership. It is often referred to as the "Ph.D." of youth ministry in the field. This is not totally correct as it is instead of graduating from being served Master Guides go on to now serve. We expect Master Guides to continue learning. To that end, we offer continuing education opportunities.

You cannot earn your Master Guide without taking at least one Basic Staff Training (BST) course in Pathfinder, Adventurer, or Adventist Youth.

The Master Guide is the expert, adviser, promoter, and mentor for Adventurers, Pathfinders, and Adventist Youth clubs and programs.

The Master Guide class is neither a Pathfinder program or an Adventurer Program, it is a Youth Ministry Leadership Program for training and equipping leaders. 

The Master Guide Aim, Pledge, and Moto




The Advent Message to all the World in My Generation


El mensaje del advenimiento a todo el mundo en esta generación

"Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in Adventurer, Pathfinders and Youth Ministries, doing what I can to help finish the work of the gospel in all the world."

"Amando al Señor Jesús, Yo prometo tomar parte activa en la obra de los ministerios de Aventureros, Conquistadores y Ministerios Juveniles, haciendo todo lo que pueda para ayudar a terminar la obra del evangelio en todo el mundo."

The Love of Christ Compels Me

"El amor de Cristo me constriñe"

The Master Guide Law is for me to:
Keep the Morning Watch,
Do my honest part,
Care for my body,
Keep a level eye,
Be courteous and obedient,
Walk softly in the sanctuary,
Keep a song in my heart,
Go on God's errands.

Observar la devoción matutina.
Cumplir fielmente con la parte que me corresponde.
Cuidar mi cuerpo.
Tener una consciencia limpia.
Ser cortés y obediente.
Andar con reverencia en la
casa de Dios.
Conservar una canción en el corazón.
Ir donde Dios me mande.